quarta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2010



Minha segunda mais nova amiga de infância, a Ms. Fujii, me adicionou no Facebook hoje e eu vi no profile dela esta brincadeira e resolvi fazer com todas nós, pestanildas.

An amazing paradox of a person. Can be open yet reserved, silly yet intelligent, beautiful and not realize it, and loud yet meaningful. Contact may stop your heart.

Female's name meaning fairy queen. Mostly the name Tatiana is for pretty girls. Tatianas are always beautiful, get a lot of attention, is usually that girl that every boy wants.

The most amazing girl you will ever meet.

DANIEL (Esse teve vááárias definições, então escolhei as que eu mais gostei).
He's a fox. He doesn't just look like a fox, he doesn't just act like a fox, but he actually is a fox. Daniel may also be described by words including gorgeous, sexy, amazing, incredible and the best one.The coolest and most awsome person you will ever meet! hes cute and funny. Hes the best friend/boy friend a girl could ever have!

E você? Qual o significado do seu nome pelo urbandictionary.com ?

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2 comentários:

Tatu disse...

Passa ser obrigatoria a leitura de Urbandictionary todo dia no café da manhã pra levantar o astral, a moral o ego de TODOS!!!!!!! Estes blogueiros sao realmente um arraso, sorry!

Dani disse...

vaááááárias definições foi cômico! kakakakak